Newborn Photography- Welcome to the World

Sometimes I am faced with something new and I do not take it gracefully, I come into it kicking and screaming.  Change is hard and can feel like it is the end even when it's just the beginning. There's beauty in pain, in transition, in uncertainty because all those things mean we are alive. There's beauty in life. We all have someone bigger taking care of us, guiding us but we lack the understanding needed in order to have faith that our Creator has our best interest in mind. I am concerned with the discomfort in a troubling moment, I protest, but there is always love in the end. And just like a newborn baby with her mother, we learn to trust over time that no matter what we go through, God has his hand on us and loves us in ways we could never imagine possible.

The transition from birth into new life is moving.

The transition from birth into new life is moving.