Top Ten Ways to Avoid Those Family Photo Day Blues

Top Ten Ways to Avoid Those Family Photo Blues

It’s happened to you, it’s happened to me and every other parent that I know. We get in a tizzy about finally getting some new photos up on the wall and we have shopped and spent money for nice clothes, we have prepared and gotten the husband all excited (barely accepting) about the big day. The problem is when it finally arrives every single thing that can go wrong does  and if it hasn’t, it’s about to. Many photo sessions have ended in chaos and mom offering up her soul for just one hint of a smile. Hey and photographer’s kids are the worst (lol!).

Here it is! Ten ways to bust those blues…

  1.      Let the expectations go! Realize that whatever your kids do, it will be ok because they are your kids and this is real life. Our families are not perfect so there is no need pretending they are. If you have a screaming toddler, don’t focus on that like it’s about to end all space and time. Take a deep breath and be comforted in knowing that you are NOT the first family this has happened to. Chances are you will actually get some nice portraits within an hour, just be patient. Don’t get caught up in the fit Sally is having because you wanted memories and this is what is being made.

  2.      Call out the monster that is. No, not your kid or your husband. Go ahead and discuss the big daunting  issue that one of these people absolutely hates the idea of sitting for pictures. Go ahead and prepare them now that this photo is going to be on your wall for a good twenty so how do you want to look? If you are annoyed, it will show!

  3.       Eat a good solid meal before coming into the studio. Don’t come in hangry and rushing just so that you  can move on to eating. Science shows people who are hungry always make less than optimal decisions and act out of the ordinary. You want your photos to look true to who you are so eat first!

  4.        Schedule your session early in the morning or after a naptime. This is best for the kids and for you (haha). Everyone is in a better mood after they have had some beauty rest. Give yourself enough time to be alert after so you don’t look like you just woke up to the sound of the bell in third period math class. Gotta get bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.

  5.         Always have a game plan for after the session. Let your kids know up front that there will be a pot of gold at the end of this rainbow and don’t waiver. Whoever messes up doesn’t get the gold so you only have to go through a session like that once. Reward the good participants!

  6.         Bring the outfits you will want to wear with you. Don’t change into them before you leave your house because you will get hot, sweaty, uncomfortable and the kids will spill bribery all over theirs. Keep them looking nice in this way and everyone feels more comfortable too.

  7.         Meet the photographer before the session. I know this may sound like a no-brainer to some but you would be surprised the number of people who book a session never having seen the photographer or the studio. Always go make sure everything is a good fit because a great session starts with comfort. You will also have a chance to communicate what you really want from your session. For me personally, I always meet my clients in my Lexington studio so they can see where I am and have a look at my products.

  8.        Bring your kids’ favorite toys or games. Noise-makers are great for the little ones. It gets their attention and even if you don’t get that prize smile, you will have eye contact so that’s a plus. The bigger kiddos do well to have a little something to do while individual portraits are being taken.

  9. Don’t argue with your spouse before the session. If you are mad, it will show because the camera has eyes. I know it’s difficult to pretend everything is ok when it isn’t but trust me, you will do better to hold all conflict until afterwards! The same issues will still be there in an hour. Don’t forget what you came for.

  10. Have Fun and Make Inside Jokes. I cannot tell you how much pressure this takes off of the whole situation to have family laughs while in front of the camera. It builds great memories, you genuinely have a good time and your images clearly show that. Even in the serious shots, your tribe won’t mind sitting for those because they know they get to go home with this group of crazy fun people who just made them laugh. You get to do life together, enjoy it. I can’t think of anything more memorable than a life well-lived and loved.

Family Portrait Photographer in Lexington, South Carolina

Family Portrait Photographer in Lexington, South Carolina