Columbia SC Photographer | Finding Yourself, In Photos

Kelly woke up one morning in 2014 noticing her face was drooping on one side but went on to work thinking maybe she was just really tired. Then, throughout the day there were more changes that led her to believe she had a stroke. It was soon confirmed by her physician that she had Bell's Palsy. In most cases, this only affects one side of a person's face and it self-corrects within a month or so. However, she had the facial paralysis on both sides causing her quite a bit of difficulty not being able to make facial expressions, drink properly or even smile. Now, three years later she remains on the same difficult journey but with more strength, courage and positive perspective on her condition. She has regained facial control in the upper parts of her face but still none in the lower. Specialists have said this was permanent and no corrections could be made which was heartbreaking news for her family to hear. Her husband, children and parents were so hopeful that one day her smile would return but in the mean time, they know exactly when she is happy and smiling inside. Kelly still longs to show her children her smile again some day.

During this incredibly difficult time, she has learned so many things about her faith in God. He has taught her and her four-year old daughter how to pray together. Kelly is teaching her little girl, through this, that what is inside of a heart is more beautiful than anything that can be seen on the outside. This sweet four-year-old said, "Mommy, God is the only one Who can heal your smile." With this, Kelly felt peace that she was right where she needed to be in the midst of her circumstances.

In all the pain of this situation, God has redeemed her in so many ways. She feels confident in who she is in Him. Even on the hard days, she knows where to look to find her peace and comfort. Kelly refers to Psalm 46:10, "Be still and know that I am God." She reflects on this as a reminder of who He is therefore reminding her who she is. She is His. No matter what life brings her way, she wants to remember these words and be bold in sharing her testimony and faith with others who may be enduring difficulty.

I reached out to Kelly after seeing parts of her testimony, it spoke to me because I too deeply desire to reach women regarding beauty, self-worth and identity. Even though a woman can be content or at peace with her appearance, (or maybe she isn't) she longs to feel like she is beautiful outwardly also. Some days we all just need a little push to believe that. My hope is that all women find their own beautiful. Yes, inside beauty is so very important but even more so when you allow your beauty to be free, it radiates from you and it is apparent to others. I think we can agree that our message is loud and clear, find joy in who you are, know your worth, and you are absolutely beautiful. Not because of the makeup or the hair or the outfits but because you know who you are, why you are here and Who sent you. That makes you more beautiful than anything. 

The makeup is just for fun. Bonus.

My original hope for Kelly's special day was that she would feel, even if only for one day, something maybe she had not felt in a long time. Possibly she would feel renewed and remember the sun will (and does) shine on her again. She is lovely inside and out. I also wanted her to be able to make a difference in other people's life. Her testimony is hers and I am so grateful she is sharing it with us! I cannot wait to see what God is going to do in her life.

Why all the talk about beauty on the inside, then makeup? Because I understand how it feels to have the weight of life just pressing down so hard that you wear it all over your face. I personally feel like I am aging by the second, stressed out overworked, we all have something going on in our world. When we are able to open up and reveal a glimpse of our soul to others, transformation begins to happen. Healing happens. The photographs, the session, the dress up sometimes just helps us tear down walls and see what has been hiding there all along. It is just the beginning. I believe that when the walls come down, we come alive. It is in that moment that we are able to finally see ourselves how others see us, it is life changing. That's what I love. I love it when people's lives are changed.

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Confidence Columbia SC Portrait Photography

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