Columbia SC Photographer | Ten Tips For Moms During A Newborn Photoshoot

Read your baby. Everyone will give advice on how to take care of your little one whether you want it or not. The best tip is to pay attention and love on your baby and the details will follow. You will be surprised at how quickly you catch on to what they need. Don’t put them on a strict feeding schedule, let them tell you when they are hungry.

  1. Sleep when the baby sleeps. It’s been said over and over but really cannot be said enough to take a nap with that baby sleeps because we all know, she ain’t sleeping tonight. Don’t feel bad about the dishes and laundry, it will still be there when you wake up. Rest. If moms don’t get enough sleep, they cannot be the best mother possible. We get ill-tempered with little sleep.

  2. Feed yourself. It’s so easy to skip food when we are busy with our baby and taking care of all the other responsibilities that need done. If you aren’t fed, baby doesn’t get much either (if you are breastfeeding). Our bodies need nourishing so we can be 100% and take care of our littles. Our brain runs on food, don’t make the mistake of skipping a meal. You will see the effects.

  3. Drink plenty of water nursing or not, going without water not only makes us dehydrated but foggy brained and energy-less. Not to mention, it will help with losing that post-baby weight.

  4. Welcome help when it’s offered. Do not ever turn down a meal, you need all the help you can get. Don’t worry, there will be plenty more days for you to cook for your family. Aunt Suzie wants to come over and cuddle the baby while you sleep? Welcome it. It is much needed. You don’t have to do this by yourself.

  5. You are not alone. Becoming a mom is a huge transition and everything we think we knew about ourselves is shaken once we become mom. Our identity takes a hit. Sometimes we don’t even feel like the same person we once were. Now we are “mom.” We have a tendency to forget the things we once enjoyed back when time allowed. Stay home moms especially run the risk of losing themselves in endless duties and baby diapers and forget they once had a life outside of the home. If you have symptoms of post partum depression, please don’t go without talking to someone.

  6. Breastfeeding is the hardest thing you will ever do at first. We all fall into the assumption that breastfeeding will be the most natural and simple thing we do as a mother. Nope. Very few people have a smooth time with this. It can be a very painful trial and error type situation. Don’t be discouraged in this. There are a ton of factors that can play into unsuccessful breastfeeding and some have an easy fix. A lot of times, we just have to make it through that six week slump in the beginning where you feel like a milk factory. There are lots of concerns if baby is getting enough milk, soreness, sleeplessness, pumping issues etc. Don’t forget, baby is learning how to exist outside the womb so patience is key to adjusting to this new life. Lactation consultants can be very helpful with demonstrating different techniques for nursing. Also, get in touch with your local LeLeche League. They are able to give advice on this. I also offer breastfeeding photography if you would like to photograph this special time.

  7. Book your newborn session by six months of pregnancy. This will hold your date even during busy season . Also this would be a good time to discuss whether maternity photos are a desire you have. Maternity portraits are usually done around week 32-34 and newborn photos are done in the first two weeks of life. Usually these are done in my Lexington studio.

  8. Not every gadget is a necessity. There are nine million different baby items out there and I want you to know that you don’t them. Babies really require so little so unless you have a lot of extra cash laying around to spend on these things, don’t bother buying extras. Get a crib, carseat, diapers, wipes, bottles (unless breastfeeding). The basics. When your baby arrives, you will be able to know more about the things you will need. Things like swings or bouncers really just depend on the baby. Some babies will not use those so buying ahead is pointless. Pacifiers are another. Many babies won’t take them… even if they are cute. The one extra thing we loved, no baby would turn down and that is a wipe warmer. Sounds simple but believe me, that 2 am feeding and changing will be a lot more pleasant if baby doesn’t have a cold bottom afterwards. They go right back down quicker with the warm wipes.

  9. Take a break and don’t feel guilty. Sometimes you need a few minutes. Really, a bubble bath or a walk around the neighborhood will do wonders. Tell your significant other or family member to watch out for the baby while you have much needed you time. It’s so important that you stay sane during this very exhausting process. It does NOT make you a bad mom. It makes you human. Listen to your body and take some time.

Mother and Child in an intimate connection. Fine Art Portrait mommy and me in Columbia, SC

Kandice Marie

I am a wife and mother of three beautiful children. I am an artist, a lover of all things beautiful. I love decorating, picture-taking, the smell of babies and making others smile. Welcome to my world, where time stands still, where babies never grow up, no one ever grows old and a moment lasts forever.

Columbia SC Photographer | Stunning Mother and Child Photography with Newborn


Columbia SC Photographer | Intimate Couple Maternity Photos | Beautiful Soul Portraits