
Hi, I am Kandice, portrait photographer, designer and your hype-girl. My studio is home of the Magazine Style Portrait. I work with every day women, most clients are not models. Our way of doing things provides each client with an incredible luxury experience that will transform you into a modeling queen by the end of the session. We know exactly how to style you, pose you, and light you for the most extraordinary portrait.

One of the hurdles so many women face is lack of self-confidence. This is where I work my magic! If you feel that you need more coaching on this than we can ever do in one photo session, please know I offer one on one training. I empower women to believe in themselves and to carve out a feminine path in this world that no one else can step in the role of. You are uniquely gifted in your life. You are the leading lady. The star. Let me show you how to believe it.

When you are ready, I cannot wait to photograph you and give you the most gorgeous photographs you have ever seen of yourself. I invite you to a complimentary consultation via phone or in my private studio so that I can get to know you and create something incredible just for you. ♥

Meet Kandice Marie

First of all, I am very laid back and love a good laugh. You will often hear me say things that get people laughing to open up. I like to keep things professional but in a very, we have been friends forever kind of way.

My joy comes from being able to help wonderful women like you transform the way you see yourself. It’s life-giving to meet fun clients who already have themselves figured out and like the way they look, sure. But can we be honest about the fact that women do not always see themselves clearly. We are our own worst critic for certain. So many of us want to change at least one thing about ourselves. Great news is that my superpower is making others feel confident, comfortable, and creating stunning images that will make you proud to see yourself in a portrait. I love helping women see themselves in a whole new way while embracing who they are.


❤ I have been a professional photographer for 14 years.

❤ I have a husband and 3 crazy beautiful children.

❤ I am an introverted extrovert, creative thinker, and dark glam boho type of girl.

❤ I can’t live without coffee, Jesus, my kids, and my mom.

I would love to get to know you!

Let’s Talk,

Kandice Marie


The Vision Behind Beautiful Soul Portraits