Columbia SC Photographer | Photographing Loved Ones

Photographing Loved Ones is the most important thing you will do in order to pass down priceless memories to your children.

I was recently asked what my most favorite session is that best represents my brand. The short answer is, one that feeds my soul, photographing loved ones. Let me explain. When I see a mother and child together, it fills me with so much joy to see them looking upon one another with love. The child, in all his or her innocence, depends completely upon the mother and the mother would die for her child. She takes him into her arms shielding him from the world, an envelopment of pure nurturing sacrificial, unconditional love. There is nothing she wouldn't do for her child. A woman suffers a lot. Being mom is a thankless, pay-less job and as she grows tired and weary of life, she would never give it up. This is the essence of my amazing job. The very heart of my business is women. Being a mom myself, I understand completely what it is like to give all of you and to lose yourself in the world of another tiny person. Being a mother never ends. It is something you wear as a badge of honor until your last day and well-deserved, I might add.

I believe in giving, serving, and loving but I also believe in celebrating. I am here to celebrate you, mom when no one else is notices. From the moment that baby breathes life through those first steps, year after year the story of his or her life unfolds and so does mom's. You help to bring forth a miracle. The mother and baby bond is like no other and mom deserves to be remembered and celebrated for it all. When she is tired and lost in the day to day, I am here to photograph her too and remind her that her beauty never left, rather it was made full. I want to remind her of the the story of her life from young to old and every beautiful heart-shaping, life-changing moment in between.

This is the same for women of all ages. I photograph grand-mothers too. They have the lifelong stories that will make you reminisce and long for childhood memories. Grandmothers hold families together. We have fond memories of family meals shared gathered around a large table through holidays and celebrations and all in between. We can remember that smell of a favorite baked dish permeating through the kitchen and laughter, family games, and stories. Those moments will be passed down to our children with OUR stories and one day we will be the grandmother. Who doesn’t want to hang on to every moment? I get to get to make time stand still in these precious memories. That is what I do. 

If you would love to have these cherished printed works of your family, contact me today to discuss details and have a free consultation. I would LOVE to work with you!

Kandice Marie

I am a wife and mother of three beautiful children. I am an artist, a lover of all things beautiful. I love decorating, picture-taking, the smell of babies and making others smile. Welcome to my world, where time stands still, where babies never grow up, no one ever grows old and a moment lasts forever.

Transformative Luxury Photoshoots: Discover Your Inner Beauty with Beautiful Soul Portraits in Columbia, SC


Columbia SC Photographer | Magazine Style Maternity Portraits