Columbia SC Portrait Photographer | When Creativity is Not Enough...

We all have a creative friend. There is that one or maybe two people we know who can do just about anything. All of us just kind of stare in awe and a tad bit of jealousy. Answer this though, what is it that they do(or can’t) that you are so glad you don’t have to worry about? Maybe they are bad with words and everything comes out wrong, they could be over achievers who work constantly and have very little fun, or maybe they look down on others. No matter the thing, creativity isn’t everything. We all have our things.

I say this to say that even though I am a creative, it is not enough. In this business, so much more is needed. I have a vision for sometimes a year before I can get all the elements together in order to create it. Sometimes even then something fails. You have to have vision, willpower, time, dedication, creativity, a strong backbone, money, and often times friends in high places. All those factors have to come together at once in order for the perfect vision to come to life. And then maybe you have additional factors such as weather, health, and timing that also play a big role in how this comes together.

Business technique is another big road block. If you are not familiar with the basics of business, cost of doing business, money in vs money out, and budgeting then you are in for a surprise. Something new will always come up that we want or need. Knowing the difference between the want and the need is huge to having a successful business.

I fight the urge to buy props or equipment constantly. A good rule is to wait until after you have paid everything you need to pay like insurance, tax, license, rent, electric, assistants, and YOU. Then, if you have anything left over then that goes back into that awesome tool you want. But make sure it will actually make your life better.

See this room divider in this photo below. I wanted one for years. I finally found one on a for sale site that matched my studio and house perfectly so I got it. I was so proud because I got a good deal. I never use it. Mistake. But it’s pretty. Mistake. It takes up valuable floor space and it’s in the way.

Know the difference between a need and a want.

Columbia, SC Photographer

What if I told you that you really only need the basics, talent, and willingness to talk to people. That’s it. Basically all of us need to fall or fail before we make it but advice helps you get back up again. Work on yourself, know what you are good at, where are your strengths? Weaknesses? What can you do yourself and what can you phone in? Learn it, do it.

Creativity alone is not enough.