Columbia SC Photographer | Real Life

I want to know about your days, I care about your life.  And just in case you are curious who is on the other end of this...

My days are filled to the brim, running over with goodness, life and love. Surrounded by children who have my heart. I watch them grow every day, wondering how the baby has faded into the distance right in front of me. I knew it was going to happen but was completely unprepared for the speed with which it has overwhelmed me with.  With each child, that time has come faster, taking a little piece of my heart with it as it goes. 

Newborn life
I want to remember every single little thing.

I want to remember every single little thing.

I can't compete with time, all I can do is cause it to stand photos. That is all that remains of some of the dearest, sweetest times I have. Real Life Photography. Sometimes I don't even realize the wholeness of a photo-worthy moment until it has passed. I just hope my memory lasts forever. I want to remember every single little thing, down to the smallest detail. 

Baby boy four weeks old in Columbia, SC

Baby boy four weeks old in Columbia, SC

So much love, my heart overflows

So much love, my heart overflows

If I could say I had one superpower, it would be that I can make time stand still. Isn't that what we all want, really? In our most present, connected, soul-stirring moments, we really want to remain right there...forever present in the middle of a big ole world that otherwise we would want to sometimes forget. Just being lost in the present is worth abandoning everything and letting go of lesser moments in the past.

Everything has a season.

"To every thing there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven.

A time to be born and a time to die.

A time to plant and a time to harvest.

A time to cry and a time to laugh.

A time to grieve and a time to dance.

A time to be quiet and a time to speak

A time to love" 

Never enough time or love. We always want more of that. And thankfully we have time right now. Right here.

Brothers and sister in a sweet embrace

Brothers and sister in a sweet embrace

The word cherish means to protect and care for someone lovingly. No better word can describe how I feel about these three. Born for something great, I pray for their journey there. They are my own. They are dear treasures who I want to hold close all of my days. I am beyond thankful to have this moment...standing still.