We love that you are stalking our site, snoop around and see what we are all about. It won’t take long before you see that we are all about your confidence as a woman. When you feel good, you feel like you look good. That’s what we are here for, we make you look and feel like you can take on the world.

We would love to customize a shoot for you also. With a bespoke portrait, you have something that will last longer than your lifetime. You will have something to pass to your daughter and she will be empowered just by knowing what kind of brave woman you are. Push societal norms aside and boldly take your power back and step into your own fully confident self.

We help you do it all from choosing the perfect outfit, fresh hair and makeup, and a client closet. We guide you into a beautiful pose to make you look your absolute best. No guess work. Want to get a free consultation today? Make your appointment HERE.

Glam Photography Studio in Lexington, SC Red Tulle Dress


Hollywood Glam Photoshoot


Glam and Boudoir Photoshoot Experience, Empowering Luxury