A letter to every woman : Beautiful Soul Portraits, Columbia SC | Luxury Portrait Studio

Women are busy. We do too much work and not enough of what brings us joy.

Society expects too much from us. When do we get to take time for ourselves and take our power back?


I want you to know that you are enough, just as you are. In a world that constantly bombards us with messages about who we should be and what we should look like, it's easy to lose sight of our own worth and value. Society sets unrealistic standards, leaving us feeling inadequate and unworthy. But I'm here to remind you that you are so much more than society's expectations.

You have grown through struggles and challenges, each one shaping you into the remarkable woman you are today. Every scar, every stretch mark, every imperfection tells a story of resilience and strength. You are a warrior, capable of overcoming anything that comes your way.

It's time to embrace yourself fully, to love every inch of your body and every aspect of your being. Self-acceptance is not always easy, but it is essential. It's about recognizing your worth and refusing to settle for anything less than you deserve.

You are worthy of love, respect, and kindness—especially from yourself. It's okay to prioritize your own needs and desires, to take time for self-care and self-love. You deserve to feel beautiful, important, and valued, simply because you exist.

So, let go of society's unrealistic standards and embrace your uniqueness. Celebrate your flaws as well as your strengths, knowing that they are what make you truly beautiful. Surround yourself with people who lift you up and support you on your journey to self-discovery and self-acceptance.

Remember, you are enough, just as you are. You are worthy of all the love, joy, and happiness that life has to offer. So go ahead, do something nice for yourself today. Treat yourself with the same kindness and compassion that you show to others. You deserve it. Reach out to us with any questions regarding a queen for a day photoshoot experience. Schedule a call.

With love and admiration,

Kandice Marie

Beautiful Soul Portraits

personal branding image woman wearing classic black and smiling like she is very happy

Beautiful Soul Portraits image

Women’s branding photoshoot

Kandice Marie

I am a wife and mother of three beautiful children. I am an artist, a lover of all things beautiful. I love decorating, picture-taking, the smell of babies and making others smile. Welcome to my world, where time stands still, where babies never grow up, no one ever grows old and a moment lasts forever.


Columbia SC Photographer | Beautiful Soul | Ignite Your Inner Goddess


Indulge in Opulence: Elevate Your Beauty with Beautiful Soul Portraits, the Premier Boudoir Studio in Columbia, SC